Thursday, July 29, 2010


Homelearning sheets will not be coming home this term, instead there will be a weekly note on the blog to say what your homelearning is. Every week there will be weekly spelling, basic facts and reading (you know what these all are). This week I would like you to work with your buddy and come up with some Homonyms (words that sound alike but are spelt differently and have different meanings). I would like you to go on google docs and work with your buddy on these, writing them into sentences. Don't forget to share the document with me and your buddy.
Keep working on your passions too.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Rubbish, rubbish, rubbish. What's it all about?

"Waste Audit," what does that mean Mrs P? After lunch we looked at what rubbish we had in our classroom bins, school bins and lunch boxes. We tipped it all out and sorted it into groups of rubbish. Can you explain to your parents how we measured it?

Trip to the Air Force Band

Yesterday the whole school went on a trip to the St James Theatre in Wellington to listen to the Air Force Band. It was fabulous. The St James Theatre is huge and we were right up the top, some of us didn't feel that comfortable being so high.

They played lots of music we knew, theme songs from movies and TV programmes. The best part was when we were asked to copy the conductor when he was not looking. It was so funny as he kept stopping and turning round and of course we had to stop too. Before we knew it we were back on the bus and heading back to school.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Having fun with measurement

On Tuesday for maths we went out into the playground and drew pirate ships with chalk. We have been looking at how long a metre is, so armed with a metre ruler we set out to draw our large pirate ships. The length was 10 metres which meant that we had to use most of the concreted area within the school grounds to ensure we could fit them all in. Once we had finished drawing our ships we were able to add wheels, pirates, flag etc. It was so much fun, thank goodness the weather was nice.

Fabulous trip to Civic Square

"I've been here before but never looked up." This was one of the comments we heard from the students while on our trip to Wellington during the last week of term 2. We thoroughly enjoyed exploring the Civic Square looking at the sculptures.